expansion of economic activity Across national borders
If you thought Internationalisation was only the act of exporting, that’s akin to saying Marketing and Sales are the same thing.
SMEs are more accessible to Internationalization
SMEs are more accessible to Internationalization due to the development of technology. The use of technology like Social Media, Artificial Intelligence, Remote Working has helped the SMEs in expansion and Internationalization, thus allows more integrated supply chains and speedy contact with contractors, suppliers and Partners. It is estimated that post covid, 43% of SMEs have been using various technology platforms to sell and promote themselves.
Exports of Indian SME includes manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, packaging, ICT, IT, Food Processing, Engineering, Textiles, Garments, Plastics, Furniture, Foundry, Capital goods and allied sectors.
ready to dive in
Assume your company is ready to dive into the international arena. It’s prudent to begin by taking stock of your current standing and planning the activity before venturing there.

We begin by asking 3 questions:
Where am I today?
Where do I want to go from here?
How will I get there?
Internationalization Services
Case Study
We’re ready to answer your questions and take your brand to the next level.
An end-to-end solutions provider for precision metal and assemblies based in India was looking to expand its offerings to the European, South American, and African markets. The client was also looking to expand its product offerings using its existing manufacturing capabilities.

What MARC did:
We worked with our international associates to conduct a market study to identify various geographical pockets where demand was high and major consumers of sheet metal and related products existed. We also identified key consumers needs in order to highlight need gaps in the industry and assess how the client could fill these gaps. We suggested the ideal business model to enter into those selected geographies.
Through our study we worked out an internationalization road map to assist the client in their expansion plans. MARC organised a travel of the client to selected location and with the assistance of our partners organised meetings with potential customer and JV partners. The client is in talks with a few for potential business opportunity.