Management Accounting Services
Bringing Quantitative Data and Insights to Back Management Decisions
Our financial analytics and accounting capabilities spread across every facet of a business to provide a detailed and thorough study.
Case Study
We’re ready to answer your questions and take your brand to the next level.
Management Accounting Services
We were tasked with conducting a financial analysis on an ophthalmology company based in the US looking to conduct a thorough internal financial health check.

What MARC did:
We conducted an in-depth review of its financials to bring out certain key aspects:
Through primary and secondary market research, we evaluated the feasibility of the residential school at that micro location. We also understood factors affecting the choice of a residential school from the parent, student, & staff perspective. We interviewed several distinguished individuals who were current or former stakeholders of schools.
Among other key findings, we identified an over reliance on certain clientele for majority of the customers revenues which was highlighted and brough out in our report. Based on this, the client was able to arrive at a comprehensive financial analysis of the company.