Preparation of Investment Memo

Investors are Amongst the most crucial parts of developing your business

Investment Memorandum help the organizations to reach out to potential investors.


Preparation of Investment Memo

In order to attract potential investors towards your business, an investment memorandum is a must. Investment Memos are an effective and engaging way to build an understanding of a product, and bring in a professional touch, that can build in an investor’s trust, and create funding opportunities.

At MARC, we build practical, actionable business plans, and also create comprehensive, compelling Investment Memos that catch the attention of potential investors, and get them to invest in your vision.

Key highlights of our investment memos:

Overview of the Funding Opportunity
A complete study of the Market Scenario
Founders details and competencies
Funds requirement along with allocation
The Return and Exit Scenario

Components of the investment memo

Investment memos are critical for fundraising. An investment memo is a clear and concise articulation of the key components of your company and what the rationale is for investing in it.

At MARC, we aim to express the personalized story of your business by effectively communicating the same to your potential investors through the following:

Echoing and highlighting the purpose of preparing the memo.
Explaining aspects on nature of the business, including the product roadmap, development, revenue, sales and distribution, team, deal advisory (valuation and capitalization) and much more.
Comparison between the pre-investment and post-investment stages.
Due diligence summary.
Attending to investor concerns and addressing them.

Case Study

We’re ready to answer your questions and take your brand to the next level.

Case Study

Investment Memorandum

Background: Commenced in 2017, ABC is an OB/GYN created brand, the first full suite of plant- based, non-toxic feminine care products.

Growth Drivers: Key drivers include increasing women population, rapid urbanization, rising disposable income and growing awareness regarding sanitization and use of products made from natural components.
Revenue Traction: The Company has achieved USD 375k revenue in 2020 and is targeted to reach USD 1.1 million revenue in 2021.

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